Java 8 Feature – Default Method in Interface
Default method can be written in Interface from Java 8 onwards.
This feature is included to support the new functionality addition in the existing interface by maintaining backward compatibility. That means classes which have already implemented corresponding interfaces won’t be impacted.
Default methods helps to provide default implementation of the methods which either can be changed by the implementing Class or can be used as it is.
Example –
Java Program –
package com.thinkconstructive;
interface DefaultMethodExample
default void methodOne(){
System.out.println("Default Method One");
default void methodTwo(){
System.out.println("Default Method Two");
class ExampleClass implements DefaultMethodExample
public class DemoDefaultMethod {
public static void main(String args[])
DefaultMethodExample defaultMethodExample = new ExampleClass();
Output of the above program –
Default Method One
Default Method Two
In the above example, DefaultMethodExample is an Interface with 2 default methods. This Interface is implemented by ExampleClass. Finally both the default methods are called by main class. Methods definition given in interface gets executed and corresponding output gets printed.
When an Interface extends another Interface which has default method Resulted Interface inherits the default method
Example –
package com.thinkconstructive;
interface DefaultMethodExample
default void methodOne(){
System.out.println("Default Method One");
default void methodTwo(){
System.out.println("Default Method Two");
class ExampleClass implements DefaultMethodExample
interface NewInterface extends DefaultMethodExample
class ExampleNewClass implements NewInterface
public class DemoDefaultMethod {
public static void main(String args[])
DefaultMethodExample defaultMethodExample = new ExampleClass();
NewInterface newInterface = new ExampleNewClass();
Output –
Default Method One
Default Method Two
Default Method One
Default Method Two
In the above example, NewInterface implements DefaultMethodExample Interface which already has 2 default methods. Both the default methods are inherited by NewInterface. NewInterface Interface is implemented by ExampleNewClass. Finally both the default methods are called by main class. Methods definition given in interface gets executed and corresponding output gets printed.